Jumpstart Demo Day 2024

Celebrating Innovation, Growth, and Success!
Event Recaps
Aug 21, 2024
Demo Day Winners!

The anticipation was palpable as The Garage’s Pre-Accelerator program, Jumpstart, reached its highly anticipated Demo Day. This year, the event seamlessly blended in-person and virtual engagement, uniting a diverse audience of guests, viewers, and esteemed judges. As the stage was set, 12 exceptional student-founded teams took center stage, pitching their groundbreaking startups and competing for a coveted prize pool of $20,000 in non-dilutive funding.

Check out a recording of the live stream below to watch each team pitch in-full!

Over the span of 10 transformative weeks, The Garage played host to an array of immersive workshops, team building outings, inspirational speakers, and invaluable mentoring sessions. These experiences left an indelible mark on the 30+ dedicated students who dedicated their summer to refining and developing their innovative ventures.

We’d like to extend our gratitude to our distinguished content providers made up of Northwestern alumni, industry luminaries, and visionary startup founders. Their generosity in sharing their profound expertise during the program’s numerous events undoubtedly enriched the journey of our aspiring entrepreneurs.

On the morning of August 21st, the excitement reached its peak as our Jumpstart teams took the stage to pitch their ideas to an esteemed panel of judges, including Emily Fallon Baum ’13 MBA, Scott Tsangeos ’24 MBA, and Sophia Wennstedt ’22 MBA.

The judges then engaged each team in 5 minutes of Q&A, asking insightful questions and sharing their expertise with the student teams – ultimately making the decision on the teams who would take home the first, second, and third place prizes.

But the pinnacle of the event was yet to come. As the sun set, the teams geared up for the main attraction – the Demo Day Public Showcase. With fervor and finesse, they unveiled the remarkable milestones achieved over the summer and beyond, offering a glimpse into the future they were working tirelessly to shape.

Let’s take a closer look at the twelve exceptional teams and their groundbreaking startups:

With the audience’s anticipation reaching a crescendo, votes were cast for the coveted Audience Favorite Prize, culminating in a resounding announcement. The esteemed accolade, and a $2,500 prize, was clinched by none other than Locago – a testament to the profound impact they made on the crowd.

In the winners’ circle, Locago also secured third place, claiming a $2,500 check. Rachel Vadhan, founder and CEO, shared, “we’re honored and thankful for the guidance and funding Northwestern and The Garage has provided Locago - this funding will be crucial to our team as we build our platform. Tonight’s win is a win for small businesses and local economic development.”

HaptE, a formidable contender, secured second place – earning a well-deserved $5,000 check. Co-founder Victoria Israel shared that, "securing Second Place at Demo-Day is a tremendous achievement for HaptE! It underscores our team's dedication and innovation in advancing our vision for data collection. This recognition fuels our commitment to transforming the future of technology, and drives us to continue pushing our boundaries!" Co-founder Trevor Abbott added, "we are incredibly thankful for the support from the Garage this summer. HaptE has found it's footing and momentum to carry it forward into the future of data collection. We look forward to contuining to build our vision with our incredible team and mentors."

And finally, rora was announced to have clinched the top prize – a remarkable $10,000 check. In a display of genuine gratitude, co-founders Neha Mehta and Catherine Malloy expressed, "we are so excited and honored! We’ve been so impressed by all the other teams and are so grateful for everyone at the Garage. This is a huge win for us but also for women everywhere at every stage of life!"

To all participating teams, a resounding congratulations is in order! The showcase was a tremendous success, leaving us eager to witness the transformative strides that await in the years ahead. The future shines bright, thanks to the innovative spirit and unwavering dedication displayed by these remarkable young entrepreneurs.

Jumpstart 2024 Cohort
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